IRTS RADIO NEWS BULLETIN Sunday May 12th 1996 IRTS AGM - Contest trophies. Further to the report in last weeks news bulletin, the following contest trophies were presented at the recent IRTS AGM. The The Paddy Smyth Cup was presented to the East Cork Group, EI7M for their victory in the Restricted Section of the CW Field Day. The Pete Daly Cup for the Open Section was not competed for in 1995. The Paddy Daly Microphone, for the winners in the SSB Field Day, Open Section, was presented to the EastCork Group, EI7M and the IRTS HF Shield was presented to the Blackrock Radio Scouts, EI1DD for their success in the restricted section of the same contest. The South Dublin Radio Club EI2SDR received the Thomond Shield for their winning performance in the VHF/UHF Field Day while in the Restricted Section, victory went to Cork Radio Club EI5CRC. The SDR CW Spring Challenge Trophy was presented to Martin EI6IG. Trophies for the Two Metres Counties Contests were presented to EI9FE, EI2HAM,EI4LRC, EI4BZ, EI4DQ, EI2HX, EI6ETB and EI9EZB. Congratulations to all who won trophies and thanks to all who didnt quite make it to the winners enclosure. A whole new season is about to begin and it might be your turn this year. ________________________________ Marconi Exhibition Tralee As part of the Marconi Exhibition in the Ashe Memorial hall in Tralee, Co. Kerry, a special event station with the callsign EI7TSM is being run by Tom EI3HH. The station is active on VHF but some problems have been encountered with computer interference on the HF bands and the aerials have to be relocated in an effort to cure the problem. The exhibition is open from 10 to 6 oclock, seven days a week. Tom would appreciate offers of help from amateurs who would be available during the daytime to operate the station. With sufficient volunteers, Tom hopes to have the station on air every day. You can contact Tom at 068-31967 or QTHR. ________________________________ CW Field Day The IARU Region One CW Field Day will be held over the June Bank Holiday Weekend and good news this year is that Limerick Radio Club will be taking part after a long lay off. Various callsigns from the Limerick area are engraved on the Pete Daly Cup going back to the early sixtes and we welcome their return. Also taking part will be the East Cork Group EI7M who are undefeated in the Open section since their first win in 1986. They also are the holders of the Paddy Smith Cup having narrowly won the restricted section last year. No doubt the Dalkey Island Group will be trying to regain this trophy that they last won in 1994. Any clubs or groups who are interested in taking part in CW Field Day can contact the Contest Manager Paul O'Kane EI5DI for help or advice. Full rules are on page 12 of the current handbook. ________________________________ Worked All Ireland Awards Activity on 3.670 MHz, the Worked All Ireland net frequency has been hectic of late with lots of mobile activity being heard. The scheme has been an outstanding success and its main aim, the promotion of EI and GI activity, has been well met. All counties have been available on the net and regular callers have qualified for both the Worked all Ireland and the Worked All GI Awards. A special word of thanks to the following operators who have taken the trouble of going mobile on 80 metres to activate squares, John EI8HZ, Tom EI2GP, Jim EI8GS, Noel EI6HW, Mickey EI6HY, Paul EI6FE, Dave EI4BZ, Jerry EI9DZ, Joe EI7GY, Mick EI6GF, Jim EI8GD and Dave EI2IC/G0UHI. Many stations have also activated squares on two metres and one of them, Hugh EI2HI has qualified for the activated 100 squares award. VHF activity in the midlands is generally on 145.350 and a call there will usually get a response. Everybody is welcome on the WAI nets and you do not need a book number to start collecting squares. The squares are marked on many maps but the AA map of Ireland is ideal for the shack and the AA glove box atlas is very suitable for mobile work. Worked All Ireland books are required for claiming the awards and are available from Dave EI4BZ for six pounds including postage. ________________________________ IRTS QSL Service Congratulations to the IRTS QSL service, run by John EI8DE and Dermot EI9BT, which last week celebrated its 13th anniversary. John and Dermot are available every Sunday from 1245 to 1330 on 3.660MHz and will provide QSL addresses for anybody who requires them. Sincere thanks to both John and Dermot for their consistent provision of this valuable service to EI amateurs. ________________________________ Wicklow Wireless Society The Annual general meeting of the Wicklow Wireless Society will take place on Wednesday next May the 15th at the Ravenswell Convent in Bray at 8 p.m. All members are expected to attend and new members will be very welcome. Theory classes, with ten students, are nearing an end and it is hoped to sit the examination during the first week in June. ________________________________ Items for inclusion in both the Radio News and Newsletter can be faxed to 021-632730. The Radio News Editor, John EI7DNB, can be contacted at 021-353988 in the evening and the Newsletter Editor, Dave EI4BZ is at 021- 632444 during the day and 021-883555 in the evening. Mail can be sent on packet to either EI7DNB or EI4BZ on cluster or at the EI7DKB BBS or on Internet to